Message From Founder
Everything is according to the will of the Almighty Allah. We can only strive to carry out our actions. Insha’Allah (God willing), we will strive to align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and contribute to eradicating poverty, ending hunger, ensuring good health, promoting quality education, achieving gender equality, providing clean water and sanitation, reducing inequalities, and empowering women. The purpose of these overall initiatives is to contribute 0.5% to the country’s GDP by the MASTUL ‘s 50th anniversary in 2062.
Kazi Reaz Rahman
Founder and Executive Director of MASTUL Foundation
MASTUL Founder, Kazi Reaz Rahman is the beacon of hope for thousands of marginalized people. To establish this goal of beautiful Bangladesh, MASTUL Foundation’s Founder Mr Kazi Reaz Rahman has worked tirelessly for a long time. He is taking responsibility for the marginalized children, standing next to the accident victims, or even courageously working as the front-line warrior against COVID-19 and several crises.
Therefore, the MASTUL Foundation is now a very popular and trustworthy humanitarian organisation. This charitable organisation’s main vow is to uplift the life of the underprivileged community by giving them a chance for employment.
The way this journey began:
Once Mr Reaz had a fascination with music. During his university days, he had a memorable encounter while singing at Rabindra Sarobar. He met with a couple of street children there. They loved Mr Reaz for his charming behaviour and one day they demanded some books and pens from him. Armed with some books, MASTUL Founder Mr Kazi Reaz Rahman ventured to fulfil the needs of around five or six children. As he arrived, he was met with the hopeful gazes of nearly 40 children who had been eagerly
Suddenly this innovative man got a new idea. Without thinking further, he established a mobile school at Rabindra Sarobar for these street children. Through this consistency, officially the journey of the MASTUL Foundation began on his birthday, October 19, 2012.
Currently, the MASTUL Foundation operates its own school, madrasa, and shelter home that includes more than a hundred orphan and destitute children both resident and non-resident. Besides this, on several districts’ project schools up to a thousand students are getting free stationaries and nutritional foods. Also, they are always under supervision to ensure all their fundamental rights. Apart from this, sewing training centres and computer training centres are playing a massive role in empowering marginalized people through skill development.
Beyond this, the “Zakat Empowerment Project” has helped almost 800 individuals to be self-reliant. To ensure the last rites in a proper religious way, dead body bathing and burial service is also going on.
Through this project, up to 3000 dead bodies are buried from the Covid-19 pandemic. Beyond this MASTUL Foundation provides free Ambulance services for poor patients and works to raise awareness regarding health issues. MASTUL Mehmankhana, a special guest house is another unique initiative. Here hundreds of people with lower income grades can enjoy a decent meal free of cost.
Read this to know more about MASTUL’s target: MASTUL works to achieve sustainable development goals.
Mr Kazi Reaz added: “We may face thousands of obstacles. But we cannot achieve our desired success except by taking on these challenges. Initially, I started the journey of MASTUL through my family’s support. But after a certain time later, I faced a massive level of financial crisis.
Even we could not manage the office rent and got notice to leave the building. In the pursuit of grants and support, we visited the door-to-door of several institutions. The situation got worse when the COVID-19 pandemic began. The amount of donations was almost zero. At that time we thought: No! There was no single hope left. But the plan of Almighty Allah was a bit different. Still, during the COVID-19 crisis, we stood next to thousands of people. Personally engaging in the cleansing and burial of those who succumbed to the virus. All of these activities were only to satisfy the Almighty Allah and for the unconditional love towards the nations.