
Free Medical Camping and Seminar with joint venture of MASTUL Foundation & Japan Bangladesh Friendship Hospital

  • Mastul Foundation
  • |
  • November 16, 2022


MASTUL has been working on Health, and Nutritional Program since inception of the organization During the last 08 years, it has implemented a number of health and nutrition activities on mother & child health care, clean water & sanitation, family planning, nutritious food, free medical camping. It facilitates awareness, skills and practices on health & personal hygiene, reducing health risk of mother, children & adolescent girl. Net-work with Japan Bangladesh Friendship Hospital services and actively participate in the movement for improvement, access and availability of health services. At present we are arranging health care awareness seminars and medical camping programs for poor people without any cost, which is funded by Japan Bangladesh Friendship Hospital. Through this program we provided health services among the urban poor men, women and children by appointing specialist doctors of different departments from Diabetes Specialist, Gynecology Specialist, ENT Specialist, Pediatrician Specialist and General Physician Specialist.

Humanitarian Needs:

People living in Baroikhali, Rayerbazar are facing massive health issues. Approximately 15,000+ families are living there. Many of them are Lower Middle Class and Lower Class. They can barely eat three times and seeking a doctor is out of their mind. They must need a health checkup and medicines for their wellness.


Joint venture of Japan Bangladesh Hospital and MASTUL Foundation, we provide Medical Camping for Awareness and Health Care Services among the urban poor men, women and children by appointing specialist doctors from different departments. Other than Mastul has been working for Mother and Child Health Care Project with nutritional activities, Mother & child care. The Organization is aware of the beneficiary’s skills and practices on health & hygiene, Reduce health risk of mother, children & adolescent girls.

Initiative MASTUL Foundation Health Care Related Awareness Program:

Camping program for the poor people without any cost, this is funded by Japan Bangladesh 

Friendship Hospital.


The MASTUL Team and Japan Bangladesh Friendship Hospital will participate in the entire campaign with a strategic plan and disciplined way to give free treatment to the needy peoples in Baroikhali, Rayerbazar.

Response team and site management volunteer unit:

10 people from MASTUL Foundation participated in the camping along with 7 volunteers.

 Face challenges:  

People living in Baroikhali are very poor. A hospital is needed as they will get some treatments.

Overcome ways- Your contribution because we need:

Our organization’s values and your hospital joint venture with us make

motivation in our side and this spirit is to step forward and make smiles for

those poor urban people to make an opportunity health checkup, consultation

from specialists and free medicines.

Total Beneficiaries Data:

  Total Beneficiary Medicines Consultation
368 347 368



We are MASTUL Foundation Welfare, a non-profit, voluntary, non-governmental, research-based, and social development organization for the service of distressed humanity. And this free camping and seminar is part one of them. Your contribution is always valuable to us -now and future. Thank you for being with the MASTUL foundation.






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Routing Number: 125261182

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