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Sponsor a Child
By sponsoring a child you can help a child to attend school to get his education without any risk of dropout. In our child sponsorship program you can provide support for a child and his community.
Our Programs
News & Stories
355000 +
Food For All
176 +
Water For All
1950 +
Educational Support
55 +
Girls Sponsorship
1950 +
Accident Victim Support
Disable Empowerment
Hafiz Sponsorship
80 +
Youth Empowerment
350 +
Women Empowerment
3850 +
Funeral to the dead bodies
65 +
Orphans Sponsorship
Medical Support
Deadbody Bath Service
Ambulance Support
Extend your generous support to alleviate the suffering of the people in Gaza Strip. Your support is a lot to them.
Success Stories
A platform for hope and trust! Thank you MASTUL for being with me.
When my father died, my family faced a horrific situation. ...Browse Fundraisers
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